What are Vento Bands?
The Employment Tribunal have the ability to make an award for injury to feelings in whistleblowing and discrimination claims and they do so on the basis of “Vento bands”.
For discrimination and whistleblowing claims issued in the Employment Tribunals on or after 6 April 2023, the lower band is from £1,100 to £11,200 and this is for less serious cases (for example: a one off discriminatory comment); the middle band is from £11,200 to £33,700 for cases which are between the less serious and more serious cases and the upper band is from £33,700 to £56,200 and these awards are made for the “most serious cases”.
Very exceptional cases are capable of exceeding £56,200.
Most cases which succeed in Tribunal see awards for injury to feelings of up to £10,000. The most serious cases, which result in awards in the upper band, will inevitably require medical evidence to show that the Claimant has suffered either mentally or physically from the discrimination or detriment for blowing the whistle.
If you have questions or need advice it is advisable to get advice from qualified, specialist employment solicitors. Please get in touch with us on 01483 303636 to discuss your situation and see how we can help.