What is an ET3?

An ET3 is the Respondent’s defence to a claim. 

A Claimant must use an ET1 form, and the Respondent responds via an ET3. 

The ET3 is an important document for the Respondent to complete which will set out the basis of the defence to the claim. The Respondent’s witness statement will set out the full detail of their defence and background to the claim but the ET3 should, at a minimum, be a thorough summary of why the Respondent is defending the claim and on what basis (including the legal basis) as well as any comments about compensation, if possible. The Respondent should ensure that all compulsory elements (those marked with an asterisk) are completed. 

The Respondent will usually have 28 days from when the ET1 was sent to them to file the defence. The ET will normally send an ET2 form which will set out the deadline to respond and it is important to comply with the deadline otherwise the Employment Tribunal may issue a default judgment against the Respondent. 

If you are an employer who has received an ET1 form, we recommend, due to the short timescale, that you take legal advice as quickly as possible. 

If you have questions or need advice it is advisable to get advice from qualified, specialist employment solicitors.  Please get in touch with us on 01483 303636 to discuss your situation and see how we can help.


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