What is an ET1?

An ET1 is the form a Claimant must use to submit a claim to the Employment Tribunal

The ET1 is a very important document which sets out the basis of the Claimant’s claim. Everything that the Claimant wants to claim must be set out so if the Claimant is claiming unfair dismissal, race discrimination, outstanding holiday pay and wages – the Claimant must state all of this in the ET1. Failure to do so could mean the Claimant will be unable to pursue or be awarded compensation for those claims. 

The ET1 must be submitted in a particular way either online (which is usually the easiest method) or by post. Further information can be found here on how to make a claim to an employment tribunal.

If you have questions or need advice it is advisable to get advice from qualified, specialist employment solicitors.  Please get in touch with us on 01483 303636 to discuss your situation and see how we can help.


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